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Main poultry farming equipment for raising chicken

Nowadays, the chicken industry is popular to create modern chicken farms, but farmers should pay attention to the need to have modern poultry farming equipment to create a modern chicken factory. In recent years, poultry farming equipment has become more comprehensive and functional, and their use has made it easier for farmers to raise chickens. Let's take a look at the equipment needed to modernize chickens.

1. Chicken cage equipment: chicken cage is the main equipment for modernization and large-scale chicken raising, and it is also the primary equipment. Chicken cages are divided into egg cages and broiler cages according to the variety of chickens. The use of chicken cages to raise chickens can increase the area utilization rate of the chicken houses and the number of farmed chickens.

2. Feeding equipment: There are many kinds of feeding choices for farmers. Some farmers use manual feeding, so the feeding equipment used only has a trough. If the farmer uses automatic feeding, automatic feeder equipment is required.

3. Water supply equipment: Breeding layer and broiler chicken, water is an essential substance. For the chickens to drink water, the average farmer will choose to use the nipple drinker. The farmer must choose a high quality water-proof drinker. Nowadays, the most common use of chicken cages is the nipple drinker, which is both hygienic and water-saving.

4. Ventilation equipment: When using chicken battery cages to raise chickens, mechanical ventilation must be used, that is, farmers need to purchase fan equipment for ventilation.

5. Cooling equipment: During the hot season, the temperature inside the chicken house is very high, which requires the farmers to cool down. The modern house will generally choose to use the wet curtain equipment to cool down. The effect is very good.

6. Egg collecting equipment: it is very troublesome to collect eggs in the hen house of laying hens. Modern egg collecting equipment can help farmers to automatically complete the egg collecting work of laying hens on the chicken cage.

7. Manure cleaning equipment: in the past, farmers used manual manure cleaning when they were doing it, but now that they want to create modern farming, they need to use automatic manure cleaning machine, which can automatically remove manure and save farmers' time and energy.

The above several devices are the equipment needed to build a modern chicken farm. In addition, farmers are reminded to create modern chicken houses, not only with modern equipment, but also with modern farming techniques to make their chickens healthier and more productive, so that they can obtain better economic benefits.