When raising laying hens in layer cage, we should understand some of the stress factors that cause chickens?
(1) Environmental factors. For example, high temperature, high humidity, cold, lack of oxygen, noise, light, strong wind, etc. High temperature stress is common, severe, and serious in production. If the temperature exceeds 35-38°C, it can cause chickens to breathe faster , The feed intake is reduced, the egg production is reduced, and even death is caused.
(2) Management factors. Mainly include poor ventilation of the chicken house, excessive density, excessive light, sudden or insufficient feed and drinking water, and poor feed quality. It is caused by improper management.
(3) Disease factors. When pathogenic microorganisms invade, the body will mobilize all positive factors to resist the disease, and at the same time, there will be a series of clinical reactions, such as decreased appetite and depression.
(4) Inevitability factors. It mainly includes immunization, disconnection, transfer, capture, disinfection, etc. It is an inevitable production link in feeding management, but scientific and reasonable methods and methods should be adopted to minimize the intensity of stress response.