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The main points of using poultry breeding equipment to prevent chicken diseases

The use of various poultry raising equipment to assist in raising chickens is now the breeding method of most large-scale chicken farms. When raising chicken equipment, labor intensity and labor costs are greatly reduced, and the environment of the chicken house can be better controlled. However, the control of chicken disease prevention and control is still the focus that farmers cannot ignore. Now I will introduce the key points of chicken disease prevention and control for farmers.



  1. Feeding fresh feed: When choosing feed, many farmers will buy a lot of feed for storage and use, so if the storage is unreasonable, it will easily lead to moldy and deterioration of the feed, which will affect the health of the chickens after they are eaten. Therefore, when choosing feed, farmers should not buy too much at one time. It is recommended to buy the amount for one week. When storing it, it should also be stored in a dry environment to avoid deterioration.
  2. Frequent cleaning of manure: Chicken coops produce a lot of manure every day. If the farmers do not clean it in time, the ammonia in the chicken house will exceed the standard. Ammonia is a harmful gas that can seriously affect the health of the chickens. Therefore, frequent removal of manure is also the key to disease prevention and control. Conditional farmers can install chicken-raising equipment manure cleaners to clean manure, which saves time and effort, and has a good manure removal effect. The manure can be cleaned every day to avoid the generation of ammonia. It can purify the environment of the chicken house.
  3. control the temperature and ventilation: When ventilating and controlling the temperature of the chicken house, the farmers should follow the principle of “as far as possible to ensure the temperature under the premise of ensuring normal ventilation”. In addition, there is also the humidity in the chicken house. Pay attention to the balance between temperature and humidity under high temperature and low temperature; when the temperature is high and the humidity is high, it is easy to form a sultry environment, which will have obvious adverse effects on the growth and health of the chicken.

Automated poultry farming equipment manufacturers share the methods to prevent chicken diseases. I hope that farmers can use them to raise chickens to help chickens grow.