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The density of chickens when using automated breeding equipment

More and more farmers use poultry breeding equipment to raise chickens. Many large farms also choose breeding equipment to raise chickens. If you want to reduce costs and raise chickens efficiently, you really need chicken cage equipment. So what should be the density of chickens when using automated breeding equipment?

We must first understand what the density of chickens is. The number of chickens per square meter of breeding area for chickens raised by automated breeding equipment is called breeding density. The feeding and drinking position occupied by each chicken is also a condition for mastering the stocking density. If the density is too high, the chicken flocks are crowded, which causes environmental humidity, uneven feeding, irregular growth of the chicken flocks, pecking addiction, weaker physique of the chickens, increased mortality, and decreased growth speed. The density is small, although the chicks survive and grow, it is not conducive to heat preservation and uneconomical. The density should be adjusted according to factors such as the type, breed, brooding method, season, age, and ventilation of the chicks.



Automated breeding equipment cage brooding should correspondingly sparse the group with the age, the density should be about 30% at the age of 3 to 4 weeks, and then about 15% at the age of 5 to 6 weeks. Egg-type chicks of 1-4 weeks of age occupy a trough position of 2 to 2.5 cm each, and 5-6 weeks of age increase to 5.0 cm each. If you use buckets, each bucket for 1-4 weeks old can feed 35 chicks, and each bucket for 5-6 weeks old can feed 25 chicks. Week-old chicks usually use vacuum drinkers, each of which can provide water for 50 to 70 chickens. If a sink is used, the location of the sink for each 0-6 week-old chick is 1 to 2 cm.


Broiler chickens are suitable for higher-density rearing, but it also depends on specific conditions. Generally, on-line flat rearing can be higher than on litter, and the flat rearing density can be higher, and the ventilation conditions are good, and the density can also be appropriately increased.