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Keeping chicken in the spring, you need to pay attention to these

With the rapid development of the chicken industry, poultry farming equipment is also becoming more and more perfect. Although chicken equipment saves us a lot of time and energy, we also need to pay careful attention.

1. Prevention and control measures for chicken Newcastle disease

Newcastle disease virus is ubiquitous. As long as there is a Newcastle disease virus in the place where chickens are raised, the chickens can still perform very healthy and have good production performance under poisonous conditions. However, as long as the climate is mutated, management is extensive, malnutrition, fright, crowded, transferred, broken, vaccination and other stress factors appear; the body's resistance is reduced, the flock will immediately develop symptoms, with mild or no respiratory symptoms. The egg production rate is slowly decreasing or rapidly decreasing, ranging from 10% to 60%, or even more. Despite the intensive intensive immunization measures taken by Newcastle disease in the country, including the repeated use of attenuated live vaccines and oil-inactivated vaccines, and even the use of imported vaccines, the incidence of Newcastle disease has remained high, especially atypical. Newcastle disease is still one of the major infectious diseases currently affecting the healthy development of the chicken industry.

2. Prevention and control measures for avian influenza

Avian flu can occur all year round, but the incidence rate is higher in winter and spring, which is related to the strong resistance of the pathogen of the disease under low temperature conditions. In immune stress, the virulence gradually increases, new The strain has been increasing. Highly pathogenic avian influenza generally has no characteristic symptoms. The acute hemorrhage changes accompanied by high mortality, up to 100%. The acute onset is yellowish thin feces, cocks are bright red, malformed eggs are increased, and wetness Voice, tracheal ring bleeding, pancreatic marginal bleeding, glandular papillary hemorrhage, green skin infection of the stomach and stomach, severe intestinal bleeding, rectal collateral cord hemorrhage, severe follicular necrosis, milky white sticky secretions or yellow in the fallopian tube Cheese-like, young chickens can see bursal bleeding. The main symptoms of low pathogenic avian influenza: no significant increase in mortality, cough, sneezing, tearing, edema of the head and face, cockroach cyanosis, loss of appetite, mental disorder, diarrhea, decreased egg production rate, the most common lesion is ovarian degeneration , follicular congestion, congestion, rupture and manifested as yolk degeneration, follicular congestion, hemorrhage, rupture and manifested as yolk peritonitis. Because of the widespread presence of avian flu infections and the mutability of viruses, it becomes very difficult to control.

3. Daily considerations

In daily management, we must strictly sterilize chicken houses, venues and all means of transport and drinking utensils, 1 or 2 times/d; strengthen immunization, establish monitoring systems, strictly implement immunization procedures, and take precautionary measures to prevent or Emergency immunization. Regular antibody testing, by detecting antibodies, can know the vaccine immune effect, determine the immunization time, whether the flock is infected with wild poison and so on. In the end, in daily life, the flu virus that lives in the poultry house will be killed.