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How to supply the required nutrition for laying hens?

More poultry farming friends choose to use battery layer cages to raise commercial laying hens. Feed is the only source of nutrition for poultry. So how can our poultry farmers supplement adequate nutrition for chickens during the laying period?


Commercial feed from a reliable feed store has all the nutrients that chickens need in the correct proportions. A balanced diet is necessary for optimal growth and production. If you are using a good diet that meets the flock's dietary needs, supplement with other foods that can disrupt the balance of the diet.



The daily feed consumption of chickens depends on the composition of the diet. Chickens usually adjust their feed intake to meet their energy needs. Feed intake decreases as the energy content of the diet increases, and vice versa.


Ambient temperature also plays an important role in determining how much feed a flock will consume. In hot weather, feed intake is reduced. In cold weather, chickens' feed intake increases because the chickens use more to provide the extra energy needed to maintain their body temperature.


The purpose of a laying hen diet is to optimize egg production (based on egg number, egg size or egg quality), provide the nutrients needed to support health and maintain an ideal body weight. As with laying hens, different breeders recommend different feeding strategies for their birds, including the amount of different diets fed during the laying phase. Calcium increases to form eggshells.


The above are the ways and methods shared by layer cage manufacturers to increase nutrition for laying hens in laying hen cages. I hope there is a place that can help poultry farmers.