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Installation of Chicken Feeder Requirements for Chicken Houses

The Reason That Farmers Choose Automatic Poultry Feeders

In order to reduce the cost of hiring labor and reduce the labor intensity, many farmers now choose some more automated chicken-raising equipment for chicken-raising work, especially for chickens, and large-scale chicken farms. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process to feed a large quantity of food. If feeding artificially does not guarantee the even feeding of each chicken, many farmers would like to buy feeders for feeding chickens for feeding.

What are the requirements to use automatic poultry feeders?

However, not all chicken farms can meet the requirements for installing and using chicken feeders. The installation and use of feeders requires certain requirements for the environment of the poultry house. What are the requirements?However, not all chicken farms can meet the requirements for installing and using chicken feeders. The installation and use of feeders requires certain requirements for the environment of the poultry house. 
First of all, if farmers want to use feeders for aquaculture, then their own way of raising chickens is a cage mode, and only a chicken house with multi-layer cages can be installed and used.
The second point is the height of the farmer's coop. Since it must be a multi-layer chicken cage, the feeder will naturally raise the height of the coop to fully feed the chickens. Generally speaking, The height of the house inside the house is required to be 2.6 meters or more, and the length of the cage can be within 100 meters.

With the continuous promotion of intensive chickens, there are more and more users who use cages to raise chickens. Most of the caged chicken houses are also in compliance with the requirements. Before purchasing automatic feeders, farmers are You should understand your pasture situation and you can choose more suitable feeding equipment according to your own farm.