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Measures to improve the economic benefits of laying hens

First, reduce the cost of feed, if the feed is too much, it is easy to leave the chicken and it will waste the feed. It should be fed in small amounts to reduce waste.

Second, choose a good chick, so it is more convenient to feed, there is no big problem, not to let people do too much heart, in order to better breed chicks, if there is a bad chick will affect the later growth Development can also have infectious diseases. And the poor quality of the chicks will also affect the amount of eggs laid each year.

Third, choose a good feed, look at the cost of feed with the benefits of egg production, rather than looking at the price per ton of feed. The choice of good feed, the subsequent value is low feed intake, high egg production, healthy chicken body, low mortality.

Fourth, promote the growth and development of chicks, quickly reach the corresponding body weight standards, the chickens are even and tidy, timely production, a longer peak of egg production, suitable egg weight, excellent eggshell quality.

Fifth, the purpose of light stimulation, stimulate the production of eggs, increase the light at night, can increase feed intake, egg production during the laying period increased; mortality decreased.

sixth,If there are unhealthy chickens or low-yielding chickens in the chicken poultry cage equipment, they should be eliminated in time.