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The advantages of mechanized chicken equipment for raising chicken

Mechanized chicken raising equipment. Chicken raising is a popular chicken raising method in the chicken industry in recent years. With the rapid development of science and technology, more and more farms have used mechanized chicken raising equipment. It can realize the artificial control of the microclimate in the chicken house to reduce the interference of the external environment on the chicken, achieve balanced production all the year round, greatly reduce the labor cost, and save other large economic costs. Let's analyze and introduce the mechanized chicken. The advantage of equipment for raising chickens.


1. Improve labor productivity: In the chicken farms that use mechanized chicken farming equipment, we can see that it takes about 0.88 working hours for each 100 kg of eggs and 0.66 working hours for producing 100 kg of chicken.


2. Increasing hatching rate: If the farmer hatches the chicken seedlings, he can use professional hatching equipment. The modern hatching equipment can control the hatching temperature within the range of ±0.1 °C, uniform temperature and humidity, and good ventilation. The eggs create a good incubation environment, which makes the hatching rate reach about 85%.



3. Saving feed: The mechanized chicken feeding machine is used for the feeding of the chickens. The efficiency of the feeding is high, and the feed is not easy to throw off the ground. It can save 10-15% of the feed than manually withdrawing from the feeding trough.


4. Increasing egg production rate: Using mechanized chicken equipment for breeding laying hens can provide a comfortable production environment for laying hens. Generally, using chickens with mechanized chicken equipment to raise laying hens can increase egg production rate by 6-10%.


5. Conducive to epidemic prevention: the use of cage-based online cultivation, isolation of chicken and feces, basically control coccidiosis, tsutsugamushi, chalk disease, etc., thereby increasing the survival rate.


6. Create an ideal artificial microclimate for factory production: such as ventilation, spray cooling, artificial lighting, etc. If supplemented with compound feed, it can achieve balanced production throughout the year.