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Winter chicken drinking water precautions

With the arrival of winter, the temperature is gradually decreasing, and the demand for water for chickens has also decreased. At this time, farmers often overlook the drinking water of chickens. Sometimes it is unscientific to forget to feed the chickens or the water of the chickens is not clean. We know that if we lack water in our body, we will have various problems. The same is true for chickens. If the chickens are short of water, there will be loss of appetite, decreased egg production, and serious cases will cause the chickens to stop laying eggs. Chicken body The phenomenon of weight loss may even die due to lack of water, so we have to give the chickens timely hydration in winter. The following poultry cages manufacturers come to the farmers to briefly introduce some of the problems we should pay attention to when drinking water for chickens in winter.


1. First of all, we must ensure that the water source of the chickens is clean and hygienic. We must clean the sink frequently.



2. The demand for water in sufficient drinking water for chickens is generally twice that of the feed collected. However, the actual demand for water is often affected by the temperature and the type of feed collected. Therefore, sufficient drinking water should be provided to allow chickens to drink freely.


3. Outside air temperature is lower in winter, poultry cages manufacturers remind you during our drinking water for chickens water temperature not too low, if the chicken only drink cold water may be lowered the egg production of laying hens, feed consumption increases, so in general water temperature is 10 ℃ ~ 20 ℃ advisable. If possible, place a large container of water in the chicken coop to raise the water temperature.


4. The amount of water in the sink should not be too much to avoid frostbite in the body of the chicken. For flat-fed chicken houses, the drinking trough must have means to prevent the chicken from entering the trough.