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Introduction of raising method of chicken farming equipment

With the development of aquaculture, chicken equipment has been widely used. The equipment provides battery cage system, ventilation equipment, water supply equipment, feeding equipment, egg collection equipment, excrement cleaning equipment and other functions. Save manpower, convenient and fast. What is the feeding method of this equipment? Poultry equipment manufacturers are briefly introduced.


First, the horizontal raising of commercial broilers

Flat feeding is to put chickens into the chicken house chicken raising equipment, also known as free range. The advantages of flat chicken are simple mechanical equipment, large space for activity, good growth and development, less investment in the construction of breeding farms, less or without full price feed. Flat rearing is divided into cushion flat rearing, net flat rearing and half net flat rearing.



(1) Flat feeding of cushion materials

Suitable for dry climate area, chicken farming equipment for raising chicken, chicken, broiler or breeding chicken. Hen house with cement floor, in the hen house on the ground placed grass shell, sand, broken stems or sawdust and other matting. Chicks live in beds, but they usually don't know. After a feeding cycle, the bedding is removed along with the chicken manure. This method of raising less investment, fast construction, less equipment, but crow and feces direct contact, prone to infection of chicken disease, need more bedding and labor. In recent years, this method of financing has dwindled.

(2) Online flat rearing

Galvanized nets, strips of wood or bamboo are placed inside the chicken 60 cm above the ground to form a grid bed, where the chicken lives on the net. Chicken manure falls to the ground through a net or grating and can be periodically cleaned manually or mechanically. It is suitable for raising chickens and broilers, but the bars and metal are easily corroded, so it is difficult to observe the living conditions of chickens. Advantages: reduce chicken and excrement contact, chicken bed dry health.

(3) The equipment used for flat rearing varies with the growth stage of the chicken and the way in which the equipment is raised. Drinking equipment can choose long trough type drinking water or hanging tower type drinking water.

Chicken facilities rely on natural airflow through Windows for ventilation and natural light. Temperature and humidity basically change with the climate of the four seasons. Equipment investment is small, feed requirements are not strict. Through the introduction of the above chicken farming equipment feeding method, I hope to help you.