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How Many Types Of Chicken Cages?

The most important chicken-raising facility in a chicken farm is a chicken cage. Chicken cages can be divided into chicken cages, semi-ladder cages, stacked chicken cages, breeding cages, broiler cages, laying cages, etc. These chicken cages have their own characteristics according to the different chickens and the needs of breeding. And meet the corresponding basic needs, Xiao Bian here and everyone introduced.The most important chicken-raising facility in a chicken farm is a chicken cage. Chicken cages can be divided into chicken cages, semi-ladder cages, stacked chicken cages, breeding cages, broiler cages, laying cages, etc. These chicken cages have their own characteristics according to the different chickens and the needs of breeding. And meet the corresponding basic needs, we can provide you the types of chiken cages.

Chicken cage equipment is the main body of chicken equipment. Its configuration and structural parameters determine the stocking density and determine the requirements for the selection of equipment such as excrement, drinking water, and feed, and the requirements for environmental control equipment. Chicken cage equipment can be divided into groups.
Chicken cage equipment is the main body of chicken equipment. Its configuration and structural parameters determine the stocking density and determine the requirements for the selection of equipment such as excrement, drinking water, and feed, and the requirements for environmental control equipment. Chicken cage equipment can be divided into full-stepped, semi-stepped, laminated, compound-type and peace-placed in accordance with the combination; according to the geometric size can be divided into deep cage and shallow cage; according to the type of chicken is divided into layer cage, Broiler cages and breeding cages; According to the weight of the chickens, they are divided into light-type cages, medium-type layer cages and meat-type cages.

1. Full-step (A-type )Chicken cage

Full step chicken cages also called A-type cage system.

The fully stepped cage is generally 2 or 3 layers with no overlap or overlap between layers. It have many advantages. Firstly, each floor cage open area, good ventilation. Uniform light; Secondly, cleaning operation is relatively simple; Thirdly,structure is relatively simple, easy maintenance; Last but not least, poultry manure removal system is convenient for manual operation. The disadvantage is that the stocking density is low, generally 10-12/m2. The three-step full-step chicken cage and breeder two-step full-step artificial insemination of laying hens is the most commonly used combination of chicken cages in China.

2. Half-step cages

The semi-stepped cage is partially overlapped between the upper and lower layers, and the upper and lower overlapping parts are provided with a dung-proof plate. The dung-proof plate is installed at an angle and the excrement slides into a human pit. The word density 15-17/square root is higher than the full ladder, but lower than the cascade. Due to the obstruction of the dung blankets, the ventilation effect is slightly worse than the full step.

3. Stacked chicken cages(H-TYPE chicken cage system)

H-Type chicken cage are suitable for large scale poultry farm.

There is a complete overlap between the upper and lower layers of the stacked chicken cages, and the chicken wastes are carried by the conveyor belt between the layers. Its advantages are high house feeding density, three-layer full-overlap breeding density of 16-18/m2, and four-layer full-overlaying density of 18-20/m2. The number of stacked chicken cages can reach 8 or more layers, which is suitable for chicken farms with a high degree of mechanization. The rearing density can be greatly increased, the floor area of the farm can be reduced, and the production efficiency of the rearing staff can be improved. However, the requirements for the building, ventilation equipment, and cleaning equipment are relatively high. The egg farms in developed countries now generally use this form. Only a handful of mechanized chicken farms in China use this technology.