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The necessity of ventilation for raising broilers in winter

In winter, broiler chickens are prone to respiratory diseases, especially for chicken raising in automatic poultry farms how to effectively control the occurrence of respiratory diseases is the top priority of broiler production and management. Insulation and cold protection, do not forget to ventilate the cold weather in winter, and the temperature required in the house is very different from the outside temperature. It is necessary to ventilate and maintain the temperature in the house. Today, learn about the necessity of ventilation for raising broiler in winter.

During broiler breeding using modern chicken poultry cages in winter, there are always contradictions between heat preservation and ventilation. Production personnel are afraid that the chickens will be frozen, so they do not ventilate or only perform short-term ventilation, which causes the broilers to live in an oxygen-deficient environment, which is not conducive to the healthy growth of the chickens. Inadequate ventilation can cause bacteria to grow in the house. They can easily invade chickens and cause respiratory diseases. If the ventilation is not good for a long time, the chicken tissue will be hypoxic, the heart and lung function will be reduced, the blood oxygen will be insufficient, and the immune function will be reduced and disease will be induced. To solve this contradiction, scientific ventilation must be adopted.

Ventilation in winter should pay attention to the cold and heat preservation of the chicken coop at night, and pay attention to ventilation during the day. The purpose of ventilation is to provide the oxygen needed by the chickens, reduce the humidity in the chicken house, and remove dust and dust. Provide a suitable growth environment for the chickens.

In the early and mid-term management of broiler production in winter, both ventilation and heat preservation should be taken into consideration. The specific measures are: in winter when there is no wind and the temperature rises, ventilation should be strengthened. Open windows for ventilation when the outside temperature is higher from 10 to 15 o'clock every day. When the cold air comes and the temperature drops, you should pay attention to proper ventilation. At this time, you can open the skylights and the ground. Windows for ventilation.

In the later management of broiler production in winter, ventilation should be the main focus. The specific measures are: For chicken houses with mechanical ventilation equipment, use frequency conversion fans to ventilate. For chicken cages without mechanical ventilation equipment, as long as there is no ice in the house, do not close all vents such as doors, windows, skylights, etc., to ensure that the air in the house is fresh.