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Why do farmer choose automatic chicken cages?

More and more farmers would like to choose automatic chicken cages. Some people want to say why? Here are some useful tips.

Firstly, the use of automatic chicken cages can reduce the incidence of disease. The use of automatic chicken breeding equipment can cause chicken manure to leak directly on the receiving belt or on the ground along with the chicken cage, which directly avoids the contact between the chicken manure and the chicken, and reduces the probability of bacterial growth, thereby reducing the chicken's disease.

Next, this chicken cage has a breeding advantage compared to flat rearing. Layer cages can not only feed more chickens, but also ensure that each grid has a fixed number of chickens and feeding positions. This is conducive to observing the feeding situation and health status of the chickens, and reduces the range of activities of the chickens so that their physical energy consumption is low, which is conducive to reducing the cost of feed.

Last,quantity advantage: The use of automatic chicken breeding equipment for cage breeding can effectively use the empty surface area of the chicken house. It can raise at least three times the number of chickens in the same area of the chicken house, which can effectively increase the income of the farmers.

The above three points are the advantages of the automatic chicken battery cages. In fact, there are many more advantages. If you want to know more, you can contact poultry cage manufacture.