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How to fully master the skills of controlling high temperature and high humidity in chicken houses?

High temperature causes the appetite of the chicken to decrease, and the feed intake decreases. As a result, the nutrient intake of the metabolic energy, protein, vitamins and minerals of the chicken is seriously insufficient, resulting in a decrease in the production performance. Therefore, the diet formula must be adjusted to meet the heat stress. The nutritional needs of the chicken under conditions.

The caloric content of various nutrients in the digestive process varies greatly. The protein produces the most heat and the fat produces the least heat. To reduce the heat dissipation burden of the chicken, the crude protein level should be reduced as much as possible to ensure the essential amino acid content and amino acid balance. To avoid excess protein, and to increase the proportion of feed from fat by adding fat. Heat stress in laying hens causes a decrease in feed intake, resulting in insufficient energy intake.


Adjust feeding mode and light time. The temperature is higher at noon in summer, the appetite of the chicken is low, and the temperature is suitable in the morning and evening. The chicken has strong hunger. At this time, the feed can stimulate the appetite, increase the feed intake, and the peak of heat production is also low. Time, because the maximum heat production related to digestion is 3-5 hours after feeding, it should be avoided after 9:00 am, in order to meet the nutritional needs of chicken production or growth, improve its anti-stress ability, broilers can take breaks at night Illumination system, low light illumination for 1 hour, lights out for 2-3 hours, and so on. The laying hens can turn on the lights at around 1 am, let the chickens get up and dissipate heat, drink water and feed, and the chickens start to lay eggs when it is bright, so as to avoid laying eggs during high heat around noon and reduce heat stress. It is estimated that 80-90% of the consumption is consumed when it is cool. For free-feeding broilers, two kinds of feed can be supplied at the same time, one material is normal, the other material has low nutrient concentration, and the chicken can be selectively eaten according to its needs. The test proves that this method can improve weight gain and feed compensation. Reduce feeding costs and mortality in poultry farming equipment for sale.



During heat stress, 80% of the body heat is dissipated by evaporation. It should try to stimulate the poultry to drink more water to ensure that the drinking water is sufficient and cool. Because the low temperature water can take away more heat in the body, it can relieve the heat stress and reduce the heat stress. The adverse effects of heat stress on feed intake. However, drinking water must be clean and hygienic, preferably deep well water. When the house is exposed to high temperature and high humidity (temperature exceeds 35 ° C and humidity exceeds 70%), the following measures should be taken to prevent acute death. Close the wet curtain and turn on all the fans to discharge the humidity inside the house. When the humidity exceeds 80%, the side windows and doors of the front half of the house should be opened immediately, so that the area of ​​the air inlet is more than twice the area of ​​the air outlet, so as to achieve rapid dehumidification.