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Management of nipple drinking water system for laying hens

Nowadays, most farmers have started to use drinking water nipples because they can save water and a large amount of labor. Drinking water sanitation is very important for the health of the flock, so no matter what drinking water system farmers use, they must be carefully managed in layers battery cage system.




1. When the nipple drinking water system works normally, the nipple drinking water system controls the water output through the pressure regulator, so the farmers should pay attention to adjust the water pressure every week. Keep the water pressure low when the chicken is younger, so that the water can flow to the nipple more easily, and the chicken can effluent when it is very light to the nipple. As the broiler grows, the water pressure should be increased to increase the amount of water. If the water pressure regulation of the nipple drinking system is not good, it will cause the broiler to have insufficient water or the litter to be wet.

2. It is also recommended that farmers should adjust the height of the nipple frequently when using the nipple drinking system. The height of the nipple can be adjusted every two days two weeks before, and the height of the nipple can be adjusted once every two weeks.

3. When installing the nipple drinking system, the farmer should pay attention to the requirement that the ground of the chicken cage or the chicken house should be smooth and level. If it is not flat, the height of the drinking water system should be adjusted frequently, so that the normal water pressure cannot be guaranteed.

4. Farmers may choose system air plugs during the use of the nipple drinking system, especially when the chicks are just entering the house and the water pressure setting of the nipple drinking system is low. The air plug generally appears first from the higher part of the waterline. Therefore, to adjust the waterline lifting system to keep the waterline straight, to further reduce the influence of the airlock, the water pressure regulator of the nipple drinking water system should be lifted slightly to remove water. The air inside the tube. Under normal circumstances, when you start using the nipple drinking system, raise the water regulator of the nipple drinking system one to two feet for a few seconds, so that the air in the pipe can be drained with water. Do not directly grasp the water pressure regulator when raising the end of the water pressure regulator. This will easily break the plastic tube of the water pressure regulator. Instead, use a metal pad under the water pipe or use the slide bar to raise the water line.

5. Farmers should pay attention to the quality of the water when selecting the drinking water of the chickens, and one of the lakes should be filtered before entering the nipple drinking system. The filter should be inspected at least once a week and replaced if necessary. Special problems such as precipitation of metal substances, precipitation of minerals, contamination of bacteria in water pipes, etc., need to be solved by using a filter with a backwash function using salt as a solvent, using a water softening device, and adding a disinfecting device to the drinking water system.